Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've been having a hard time picking up my camera lately.  The iPhone is just so convenient that often my Nikon sits quietly up on the bar just waiting to be used.  Some days I pick it up and get frustrated because I don't know how to use it to it's full potential.  I get some good shots, but I know I can get much better ones.  I found this list on a fellow blogger's blog and thought I'd try it out for myself.  Starting tomorrow, September 15, 2011.  (Please do me a favor and don't compare my photography to hers...hers is WAY better!! I'm just getting started.)  I know it's unconventional to start a "30 day challenge" in the middle of the month, but I can be an unconventional kind of person.  Besides, I think I've started every new diet, or any new "habit" I want to start, on Mondays.  And those haven't worked out so great...maybe I should start on a Wednesday next time :)

Enjoy the challenge!!

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